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Are there any other taxes?
Are dividends subject to tax?
What is Form 1042-S and why did I receive it?
What are SEC & FINRA TAF fees?
What is SIPC?
What is Nasdaq?
What is NYSE?
What is an ADR?
What is an ETF?
What is a stock?
Do I get any reports?
What happens to my position if there is a corporate action?
What is an ex-dividend date?
When are dividends paid out?
Why did my order fail?
What is the difference between market orders in dollars and market orders in shares?
Can I cancel a pending order?
What are the different order types?
Can I amend a pending order?
How do I know if the market is open?
Is 'Sell all' function available?
What is a day trade?
What is 'Pattern Day Trading'?
Do I own the stocks I buy?
Is it possible to invest in the US Stock Market from outside the US?
Are fractional shares regulated?
How can I own a fraction of a share?
Does trading happen in real time?
Can I short sell a stock?
When can I buy or sell a stock?
Will I receive dividends?